Frequently Asked Questions (You can click questions)
- Which departments are available in the faculty?
- Does the faculty offer a boarding education program?
- Is it mandatory to attend the preparatory class?
- Can students in the English preparatory class receive a transcript?
- How can students who fail the English preparatory class transfer to universities that offer education in Turkish?
- What is an academic year?
- What is the academic calendar?
- What is the undergraduate program (curriculum / course plan)?
- What is semester registration?
- Who is an academic advisor?
- What is DEBİS?
- What happens if a student fails to start/complete registration during the registration period?
- What is the course add/drop period?
- Can first-year students postpone taking required courses?
- What is a prerequisite course?
- What is the normal duration of study?
- What is the maximum duration of study?
- What is course (credit) load?
- What is the normal course load?
- What is an excess course load?
- What is course withdrawal?
- What is course exemption?
- When should I apply for course exemption?
- What are the conditions for taking a semester leave and how to apply?
- How can I check my final grades?
- How is the grade point average (GPA) calculated?
- What is course repetition?
- What does failing (repeating) a course mean?
- What does the 1.80 GPA threshold mean?
- Can I replace a failed elective course with another one?
- Is internship mandatory?
- Are there any prerequisite courses for internships?
- What is summer school?
- What is a double major program?
- What is a minor program?
- What is an exchange program?
- What is horizontal transfer between domestic higher education institutions?
- What are the graduation requirements?
- What are honor/high honor lists?
Which departments are available in the faculty?
Our faculty offers education in the following departments: Maritime Business Administration, Marine Transportation Engineering, Marine Engineering, and Logistics Management.
Does the faculty offer a boarding education program?
Currently, our faculty does not provide a boarding education program.
Is it mandatory to attend the preparatory class?
Since the medium of instruction in all departments of our faculty is 100% English, attending the preparatory class is mandatory. Exemption exams are held at the beginning of the academic year, and students who pass these exams can directly start their department courses. Foreign language education at our university is provided by Dokuz Eylül University School of Foreign Languages (YDY). For detailed information on attendance and success requirements for the English preparatory class, please visit
Can students in the English preparatory class receive a transcript?
No. Since students in the English preparatory class do not register for departmental courses, a transcript (grade report) is not issued for them.
How can students who fail the English preparatory class transfer to universities that offer education in Turkish?
The transfer procedures for students who fail the compulsory English preparatory class to higher education programs taught in Turkish are carried out by ÖSYM (Student Selection and Placement Center). To take advantage of this opportunity, students must follow the announcements on in September and complete the necessary procedures within the specified dates. Unless there is a change in ÖSYM’s implementation, our university is only responsible for confirming the student’s disenrollment date on the application form.
What is an academic year?
An academic year consists of fall and spring semesters. A summer school may also be offered within the academic year, and students may choose to take courses during the summer session.
What is the academic calendar?
The academic calendar includes the dates of all academic activities for the related academic year (such as semester registration, course add/drop, course withdrawal, final exams, and application periods). It is announced after approval by the Senate. You can access the academic calendar at
What is the undergraduate program (curriculum / course plan)?
An undergraduate curriculum (program) consists of the courses, credits, internships, and similar academic activities that students must complete to fulfill graduation requirements, as well as the distribution of these courses across semesters within the standard duration of the program. The undergraduate course plans for each department are available on our university’s website at Students prepare their course selections according to this program and finalize their courses with the approval of their academic advisors during the registration periods. The undergraduate curriculum (program) can be accessed via the university website or DEBİS.
What is semester registration?
Students must renew their registration at the beginning of each academic semester. Semester registration is carried out online through the DEU website at on the dates announced in the academic calendar. Students enrolled in the YDY language preparatory class do not need to register for courses, as their academic registration is processed by the YDY student affairs office. To complete semester registration, students must ensure that any financial obligations for the semester are paid within the deadlines specified in the academic calendar. Course registration is finalized only after academic advisor approval. At the end of the registration period, students should review their registered course schedule on DEBİS. If any clerical errors are found in the registration, students must submit a petition to the student affairs office for correction.
Who is an academic advisor?
Every student, including those in the English preparatory year, is assigned at least one full-time faculty member or a lecturer with a PhD from their enrolled department or program as their academic advisor. The advisor assists students with academic matters, university life adaptation, and career planning. During each academic registration period, the advisor provides guidance on appropriate course selection, course approvals, add/drop procedures, horizontal transfers, semester leave, prerequisite courses, double major programs, course retakes, summer school, credit transfer from external institutions, and similar matters. Course registrations are finalized only after the advisor’s approval.
What is DEBİS?
DEBİS is an online system where students can manage their academic semester course registrations, course schedules, course evaluation surveys, transcript requests, student certificate applications, and communicate with their academic advisors. It also provides access to the university email system. Each student is assigned a DEBİS username and password upon enrollment. Students must ensure that their contact information in DEBİS remains up to date. Instructions for updating address information are provided at
What happens if a student fails to start/complete registration during the registration period?
Applications from students who are unable to complete their academic registration due to valid reasons are reviewed by the Faculty Administrative Board. Students whose excuses are deemed valid may register until the end of the course add/drop period specified in the academic calendar. In special cases, the University Administrative Board has the authority to make decisions.
What is the course add/drop period?
Students who have completed their academic semester registration can make changes to their course schedule by adding new courses or dropping registered ones after the semester begins. Course add/drop is carried out within the dates specified in the academic calendar with the approval of the academic advisor. At the end of the course add/drop period, students should review their registered course schedule on DEBİS. If any clerical errors are found, students must submit a petition to the student affairs office for corrections.
Can first-year students postpone taking required courses?
Students must take all courses listed in the first two semesters of their program as soon as they are offered. They are not allowed to drop, postpone, withdraw from these courses, or take extra courses beyond the required load.
What is a prerequisite course?
Some courses require the completion of a foundational course before they can be taken. Therefore, prerequisites are specified in the curriculum for certain courses. This means that to enroll in a course, students must have completed and passed the prerequisite course. If a required course has a prerequisite that has not been taken, the student’s graduation may be delayed. Therefore, prerequisite courses should be prioritized. In special cases, students may be allowed to take a course without completing its prerequisite, based on the approval of both the course instructor and the relevant administrative boards of the department. To request a prerequisite exemption, students must submit a petition. In our faculty, the Maritime Business Administration and Logistics Management departments do not have prerequisite courses. However, students in the Marine Transportation Engineering department must meet the following prerequisites:
– To enroll in MTE 4134 (8th semester), students must have completed MTE 3141 (5th semester).
– To enroll in MTE 4136 (8th semester), students must have completed MTE 3139 (5th semester).
– To enroll in MTE 4138 (8th semester), students must have completed MTE 3137 (5th semester).
– To enroll in MTE 4140 (8th semester), students must have completed MTE 3140 (5th semester).
Additionally, students in the Marine Transportation Engineering department must complete a 12-month open sea internship, while students in the Marine Engineering department must complete a 6-month workshop internship and a 6-month open sea internship before they can register for the 7th and 8th semester courses in their curriculum.
What is the normal duration of study?
The normal duration of the English preparatory program is one year. Excluding the English preparatory year, undergraduate programs at the university have a normal duration of eight semesters (four years). Students’ financial obligations and student rights may vary depending on whether they are within or beyond the normal duration of study.
What is the maximum duration of study?
The maximum duration of the English preparatory program is two years. Excluding the preparatory period, the maximum duration for undergraduate education is fourteen semesters (seven years). Students are required to pay tuition fees within these maximum durations.
What is course (credit) load?
The credit value of a course is determined by the number of weekly theoretical class hours, plus half of the weekly hours allocated to practical work, laboratory sessions, or other related coursework. (For example, a 2+2 credit course has a total credit load of 3 hours.)
What is the normal course load?
The normal course load is the total number of course hours prescribed for a specific semester in a student’s undergraduate curriculum (program). (For example, a 2+2 credit course has 4 course hours per week.)
What is an excess course load?
As specified in the faculty’s education and application regulations, the maximum excess course load per semester is 26 course hours for students in the Maritime Business Administration and Logistics Management departments, and 32 course hours for students in the Marine Transportation Engineering and Marine Engineering departments. This limit cannot be exceeded. According to Article 9, Clause 7 of the Faculty’s Education and Application Regulations: “A student who is repeating or retaking a course may enroll in up to two additional courses beyond the weekly course load limit with the approval of their advisor and the Department Chair.”
What is course withdrawal?
Students may withdraw from a registered course before the withdrawal deadline specified in the Academic Calendar. However, first-year students cannot withdraw from any courses in their program. Course withdrawal applications must be submitted to the student affairs office via a petition and must be approved by the academic advisor. After the course withdrawal period ends, students should review their registered course schedule on DEBİS. If any clerical errors are found, students must immediately submit a petition to the student affairs office for correction.
What is course exemption?
Students can transfer credits for courses or practical applications previously completed at another higher education institution with the approval of the relevant administrative board. Course exemptions are granted based on Faculty Administrative Board decisions in cases such as horizontal transfer, vertical transfer, prior higher education experience, or taking courses from another institution while enrolled at Dokuz Eylül University Maritime Faculty. Course exemptions are evaluated under the DEÜ Course Exemption and Adaptation Regulation.
When should I apply for course exemption?
According to Article 5 of the DEÜ Course Exemption and Adaptation Regulation, students who wish to be exempted from courses they have previously taken and passed must submit a petition to the relevant faculty deanship or institute/school directorate by the end of the first week of the semester in which they are newly enrolled or renewing their registration. Students who miss this deadline may apply within one week after their excuse is resolved, provided they submit supporting documents. Course exemption requests are evaluated by the relevant administrative board.
What are the conditions for taking a semester leave and how to apply?
Enrolled students may take a leave of absence for up to two semesters, either with or without counting the leave period towards their total study duration, based on the Faculty Administrative Board’s approval. Leave applications must be submitted within the periods specified in the academic calendar. In compulsory cases, the Faculty Administrative Board may extend the leave period. Students who have been granted a two-semester leave but wish to return after the first semester must submit a petition to the Faculty Administrative Board. Semester leave is generally granted for health issues, participation in exchange/Erasmus programs, or similar reasons.
How can I check my final grades?
Final grades submitted electronically by instructors can be accessed through DEBİS. If there is a clerical error in the grade, students may file an appeal within seven days from the announcement date. Any grade change requires the approval of the Faculty Administrative Board.
How is the grade point average (GPA) calculated?
The semester grade point average (SGPA) is calculated by multiplying the credit value of each course by its numeric grade equivalent, summing these values, and dividing the total by the total number of credits. The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is calculated using the same method but includes all courses taken up to that point. If a course is repeated, only the most recent grade and credits are included in the GPA calculation.
What is course repetition?
Students must repeat any compulsory courses in which they received an FF or FD grade in the first semester they are offered. Elective courses with FF or FD grades can be repeated with the same course or replaced with another elective. Students wishing to retake courses to improve their GPA should consult their Academic Advisor. For repeated courses, the latest grade is considered valid regardless of the previous grade, and the earlier grade remains recorded in the academic transcript.
What does failing (repeating) a course mean?
Students who receive an FF, FD, or D (Fail due to attendance issues) as their final course grade are considered unsuccessful and must retake the course.
What does the 1.80 GPA threshold mean?
To continue enrolling in new courses, students must maintain a CGPA of at least 1.80 by the end of the second semester (Spring of the first year). Academic performance is reviewed at the end of each semester based on CGPA and SGPA. The Summer Semester SGPA is not included in semester performance evaluations but is added to the CGPA. Students with a CGPA below 1.80 cannot enroll in new courses. Instead, they must retake previously failed FF and FD courses to improve their CGPA. A failing student cannot exceed the average semester credit load and must prioritize retaking FF, FD, and attendance-failed courses, while also having the option to retake DD or DC graded courses for GPA improvement after consulting their Academic Advisor. During the Summer Semester, students can retake FF, FD, DD, or DC courses and enroll in a maximum of two new courses, with a total limit of three courses.
Can I replace a failed elective course with another one?
Yes, students who fail an elective course may either retake the same course or replace it with a different elective.
Is internship mandatory?
Yes, the faculty has mandatory internship requirements for each department:
Maritime Business Administration
– MBA 2102 Internship (Business Internship): 30 workdays after the Spring semester of the 2nd year
– MBA 3102 Internship (Port Internship): 30 workdays after the Spring semester of the 3rd year
Logistics Management
– LGM 2102 Internship (Business Internship): 30 workdays after the Spring semester of the 2nd year
– MBA 3102 Internship (Warehouse & Terminal Internship): 30 workdays after the Spring semester of the 3rd year
Marine Transportation Engineering
– MTE 1100 Open Sea Internship: 2.5 months after the Spring semester of the 1st year
– MTE 2100 Open Sea Internship: 2.5 months after the Spring semester of the 2nd year
– 7-Month Open Sea Training (Practical Training): Starts at the beginning of the 3rd year Spring semester
Marine Engineering
– MEN 1102 Workshop Internship: 3 months after the Spring semester of the 1st year
– MTE 2102 Workshop Internship: 3 months after the Spring semester of the 2nd year
– 6-Month Open Sea Training (Practical Training): Starts at the beginning of the 3rd year Spring semester
Are there any prerequisite courses for internships?
There are no prerequisite courses for internships in the Maritime Business Administration and Logistics Management departments. However, in the Marine Transportation Engineering and Marine Engineering departments, there are prerequisite courses for internships and practical training. These requirements can be found in the Practical Training Guidelines available on the Faculty of Maritime website: Practical Training Guidelines
What is summer school?
Summer School is an optional educational program offered during the summer months, separate from the regular fall and spring semesters. Students can take courses in a shorter, intensive format compared to regular semesters. Students who started their undergraduate program in the spring semester can take advantage of summer school to complete their studies within 8 semesters. Summer school courses are subject to a fee. A maximum of 3 courses can be taken during the summer semester. The list of offered courses and registration dates are announced on the Faculty website during the spring semester. At the end of the registration period, students should review their enrolled courses on DEBİS. If any clerical errors are found, they must submit a petition to the student affairs office for corrections.
What is a double major program?
A Double Major Program (DMP) allows students to simultaneously fulfill the requirements of two separate undergraduate programs, leading to two diplomas. Even if the primary major’s requirements are completed earlier, students have up to 10 semesters (from their first-year enrollment) to complete the second major. Students can apply for a Double Major Program as early as their 3rd semester and no later than their 5th semester. Applications must be submitted to the relevant faculty/school deanship before the deadline specified in the Academic Calendar.
What is a minor program?
A Minor Program allows students to earn a certificate in a specific field alongside their primary degree. Students can apply for a Minor Program as early as their 3rd semester and no later than their 6th semester. The minor program requires students to complete a specific number of courses from a second department. Applications must be submitted to the relevant faculty/school deanship before the deadline specified in the Academic Calendar.
What is an exchange program?
An Exchange Program allows students to study for one or two semesters at another higher education institution that has an agreement with the university. Detailed information about these programs can be obtained from the International Relations Office.
What is horizontal transfer between domestic higher education institutions?
There are two types of horizontal transfer:
Horizontal Transfer Based on Academic Success: Students studying at domestic and international higher education institutions can apply for horizontal transfer if they meet the conditions specified in: The Regulation on Transfers Between Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, Minor, and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfers at Higher Education Institutions, and DEU’s Horizontal Transfer Guidelines. More details can be found at:
Horizontal Transfer Based on Central Placement Scores: Students can apply for horizontal transfer, including for preparatory programs, if their original ÖSYM placement score (from their year of enrollment) is equal to or higher than the base score of the program they wish to transfer to, provided they meet the conditions set by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK). More details can be found at:
Students should follow the faculty’s website for updates on available transfer quotas and application deadlines.
What are the graduation requirements?
To graduate and receive a diploma, students must: Complete all required courses and internships in their undergraduate curriculum, and have a minimum CGPA of 2.00. Once graduation requirements are fulfilled, graduation cannot be postponed.
What are honor/high honor lists?
Students who complete their undergraduate studies within the regular duration (excluding approved exchange programs) and have no disciplinary records may qualify for academic distinction: High Honor List: Students with a CGPA of 3.50 or above. Honor List: Students with a CGPA between 3.00 and 3.49. For students participating in a university-approved exchange program, the eligibility period for honors is extended to: 10 semesters for Education Faculty undergraduate students, 12 semesters for students in integrated undergraduate and master’s programs.